It Was Life-changing!

comfortable sleeping position

After falling this spring, Jordyn’s arms locked up more. At night, her arms wouldn’t touch the bed when she laid flat on her back, and she could no longer sleep on her side because of the pain the pressure put on her arms. None of the pillows or towels she tried helped her find a comfortable sleeping position.

Desperate, she reached out to the Support4FOP Facebook group: Any recommendations?

Melissa Davis quickly chimed in, offering several pillow options that wouldn’t shift during the night.

As the IFOPA’s Family Services Coordinator, Melissa finds creative solutions to help individuals in our community every day.

She joined the IFOPA in February 2024, and her background as an occupational therapist has already been an invaluable asset to our team and the FOP community.

“Occupational therapy focuses on independence in everyday living,” said Melissa. “Independence for people living with FOP can mean less stress for caregivers, more self-confidence and autonomy and more normalcy in day-to-day life.”

From answering questions on Facebook to Zooming, emailing, talking on the phone, and chatting on WhatsApp, Melissa is always available to brainstorm and address concerns. Just yesterday, she answered questions for a doctor from Brazil about a patient she recently saw who needs help with toileting independently.

She also contributes weekly to the IFOPA’s Ability Toolbox Online Guidebook, a growing resource of adaptive tools to help individuals with FOP retain their independence and navigate life confidently. She travels around the country (and sometimes the world) to showcase tools in person, providing needed touchpoints with FOP families and doctors.

Your support allows us to hire mission-critical staff like Melissa! Thanks to your generosity, we can provide life-changing support to the FOP community.

For individuals like Jordyn, that support can be the difference between uncomfortable, sleepless nights and restorative sleep. Jordyn’s reply to Melissa on Facebook? “I used a pregnancy pillow for the first time last night, and it was life-changing! Thank you!!”

We are deeply appreciative of your consistent support. Thank you for sharing our heart for the FOP community!

“The ability to work with a worldwide community and the ability to be creative drew me to the IFOPA. It’s fun to problem solve and have the time to connect with and dig deep with our members.” —Melissa Davis, IFOPA Family Services Coordinator